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Monday, September 22, 2014





15 Weird Animals You Didn't Know Exist

15. Sea Pig: Its actual name is Scotoplanes, but these weird-looking things are actually sea cucumbers and are the only locomotive, legged ones. 

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[poelse+1b-tbn.jpg] - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

14. Okapia: This comes from the family Giraffidae, a group that only contains giraffes and this animal.

File:Okapia johnstoni -Marwell Wildlife, Hampshire, England-8a.jpg - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

13. Purple Frog: This frog is so unique that it comes from its own genus and species. 

File:Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis.jpg - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

12. Blue Parrotfish: This happy looking guy needs teeth so he can grind rocks into sand. Yummy. 

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11. Bush viper: It looks like a dragon. 

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10. Giant Isopod: Imagine this thing walking around and you had to kill it? A shoe wouldn't work. It grows up to 14 inches! 

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9. Venezuelan Poodle Moth

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8. Mantis Shrimp: Hands down the coolest animal on earth. It moves so quickly that the water around it boils (this is called supercavitation). 

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7. Lowland Streaked Tenrec: It's like four animals in one.

File:Lowland Streaked Tenrec, Mantadia, Madagascar.jpg - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

6. Umbonia Spinosa: This isn't a banana but an insect.

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5. Galapagos Batfish: This fish is incredibly strange, not only because of its bright-red lips, but also because it's highly adapted to walk on the floor, making it an incredibly poor swimmer despite its dorsal and tail fin. 

File:Red-lipped Bat fish.jpg - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

4. Goblin Shark: Often referred to as a "living fossil," this beast grows 10-13 feet in length and comes from a lineage that's 125 million years old!

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3. Atretochoana: This animal is a caecilian, which is a class of amphibians that resemble worms or snakes. 

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2. Hummingbird Hawk-Moth: This strange little creature is actually an insect! 

File:Macroglossum stellatarum01(js).jpg - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial

1. Pacu Fish: It has HUMAN TEETH! Ok, it's not really human teeth but similar. They're actually related to piranhas. 

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